20180803 173722    FixturingConceptinclude 2

The Multi-Rail RM system has proven itself to be a significant improvement compared with the tradional machine vise. There are numerous reasons for this including :

  • Improved productivity 
  • Greater flexibility of set up
  • Allows the workpieces to be configured for 3-sided machining 
  • Enables a greater variety of how workpieces can be clamped
  • Its ability to incorporate a higher number of workpieces in same area

OK-VISE Multi-Rail RM base rail is built to 50 mm high and 44 mm wide dimensions. This workholding system is specifically designed to allow ease of assembly on an M12 grid matrix or any other platform. Base rails length range is from 100 to 700 mm.

The modular design of this System ensure the maximum flexibility for our clients and includes all necessary components for workholding.

In most cases stoppers and clamps with smooth or serrated jaws are an easy way to start using the system.

For further details and technical information please click on our link: Multi-Rail RM system
Different modules Base, stoppers, clamps, ext

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Our distributor in India is: Jergens

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