OK-VISE® Fixturing Concept

As in every OK-VISE Fixturing Concept system, the basic modules in the Blank System are clamp, stopper, side guide and riser block modules.

To resist the clamping and machining forces, a pocket should be machined to the blank plate. Pictures of the pockets are available in the installation instruction.

In addition to the basic modules above, the generic components complementing our product range can be used in the Blank Fixturing System as well as in other OK-VISE fixturing systems.

In most cases, code format is KCS-sjn, where corresponds to a clamp size (B or D), is a jaw type (Serrated, Smooth) and is a frame type.
Almost all other jaw combinations are also available. For example, in KCS-DES1 model, E stands for a self-aligning jaw and S - for a smooth jaw.

KCS-DS1 has smooth jaw, KCS-DR1 serrated

 Code Dim.  STEP
 KCS-DS1 icon pdf
 KCS-DR1 icon pdf

kcs dr1 faKCS-DR1   

There are also "A" models that are optimized specially for robotic loading of workpieces, for KCS-DR1A.


 Code Dim.  STEP

This module has one jaw with self-aligning jaw



 Code Dim.  STEP
 KCS-DT1 icon pdf

This module has one jaw for additional pieces

 kcs dt1 faKCS-DT1  


 Code Dim.  STEP
 KCS-BR3 icon pdf

For extremely compact design, types like KCS-BR3 are recommended. Please note that in this case fixture plate must be machined also from the bottom side (see instruction).

   kcs br3KCS-BR3


These modules clamp in two directions, enabling to clamp two workpieces.
In most cases, code format is KCD-sjn, where corresponds to a clamp size (B or D), j is a jaw type (Serrated, Smooth) and is a plate type.


 Code Dim.  STEP

KCD-DS2 has smooth jaws, KCD-DR2 has serrated jaws.

kcd ds2 2KCD-DS2


 Code Dim.  STEP
KCD-DS1 icon pdf
KCD-DR1 icon pdf

The support plate extends beyond the clamp jaw, acting also as riser block.
KCD-DS1 has smooth jaws, KCD-DR1 has serrated jaws.


Stopper modules positions the workpiece.
In most cases, code format is KS-Sx, where corresponds to a smooth jaw type and is a stopper type.

S= smooth
R = serrated
D = diamond or tungsten carbide coating


 Code Dim.  STEP
KS-S1 icon pdf


ks s1KS-S1


 Code Dim.  STEP
 KS-R1 icon pdf


ks r1KS-R1


 Code Dim.  STEP



 Code Dim.  STEP


KS R2 2KS-R2


 Code Dim.  STEP


 Code Dim.  STEP
 KS-D1 icon pdf



 Code Dim.  STEP


ks d2KS-D2


 Code Dim.  STEP



 Code Dim.  STEP
 KS-R6 icon pdf

This stopper type is normally embedded 6 mm in the base plate 
Uses M6 bolt.

KS R6 400X300KS-R6


 Code Dim.  STEP


ks so1 1KS-SO1


 Code Dim.  STEP
 KP-1 icon pdf

In most cases, code format is KP-n, where n is a type.

KP 1KP-1


In most cases, the code format is KG-n, where n is a guide type. Max tightening torque 30Nm.


 Code Dim.  STEP
 KG-1 icon pdf


KG 1KG-1


 Code Dim.  STEP
 KG-2 icon pdf


KG 2KG-2
